Mblog on host of evil?

Gotta get mblog­ging, the phone is cho­sen, I’m think­ing of clever ways to beowse posts (try­ing to get some time to actu­ally make the code of this blog just a bit decent as well), but I have a major prob­lem: Due to cir­cum­stances which I don’t really want to com­ment on, this blog (as well as some other sites) is run­ning on a W2k server. My host allowed med to get on their beta server includ­ing some of the dif­fer­ent Perl scripts needed to run MT, but Python isn’t sup­ported and the best camphone-email-to-entry script I’ve found so far is Python. So what to do? I’ve found a few other Perl scripts that will prob­a­bly run with some tweaks but as always the trig­ger­ing of basi­cally any­thing on W2k servers can’t be done very ele­gantly. I’m think­ing of hack­ing some ASP or PHP code together using either Jmail or what­ever works best with PHP, and I sup­pose it’s doable, using every 10th visit or so for a trig­ger… Any good ideas keep­ing me from hav­ing to do just that will be greatly appre­ci­ated, though… can’t fig­ure out whether I should hack together some code or change host…leaning towards the lat­ter, need a proper Unix based host to play on any­way, recom­man­da­tions anyone?

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One Response to Mblog on host of evil?

  1. Thomas says:

    guanix+mygdal has an asp mblog ser­vice sup­port­ing the metawe­blo­gapi for such pur­poses. just inquire… ;)