… And back again

Been down for a while. Moved to yet another host, this time I’m stay­ing. Got some stuff planned design– and fea­ture wise, so this tem­po­rary design will have to do for a cou­ple of days — just wanted to re-surface, hop­ing that I’m not per­ma­nently removed from news aggre­ga­tors etc. I’m aim­ing at full Xhtml 1.0 Strict com­pli­ance and have started imple­ment­ing some of the code. Apart from the main index though, every­thing is pretty much hor­ri­ble. I apologize.

reboot was a blast, it felt weird not being able to blog at this site dur­ing the event, and a lot of inter­est­ing things are going on in these weeks, so I’m glad to be back. More thoughts on reboot later, check out the excel­lent speak­ers from the reboot video site ’till then.

Pollas.dk. URL.

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