Digital shoplifting

Accord­ing to BBC Japan­ese book­stores are launch­ing a nation­wide cam­paign to stop what they call infor­ma­tion theft. Teenagers are tak­ing pic­tures of mag­a­zine cov­ers etc. to dis­cuss var­i­ous lifestyle issues — the pub­lish­ers fear they are miss­ing out on pos­si­ble sales. Even­though dig­i­tal cam­eras have been here for some years now, the real issues regard­ing pub­lic pho­tog­ra­phy first arise when peo­ple are car­ry­ing them prac­ti­cally every­where, all the time. I’m sure more prob­lems will sur­face as the cam­phones become more com­mon, some of them prob­a­bly chang­ing the way we think about copy­right, pri­vacy etc. for­ever. But all in all, get­ting all our gear wear­able and online is damn cool ;-)

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