Quality agent’s lack of quality

When­ever that Netscape qual­ity feed­back agent is pop­ping up from Mizilla Fire­bird it crashes the Fire­bird, closes all win­dows and it then takes for­ever to reopen. But how do I pro­vide the feed­back explain­ing that…hmmm…

Misc.. URL.

2 Responses to Quality agent’s lack of quality

  1. dick byrne says:

    The qual­ity feed­back agent launches on a crash in the hopes that traces of infor­ma­tion from Moz/Firebird/Phoenix that could help engi­neers to deter­mine the cause of the crash can be trans­mit­ted back to home­base … the agent does not pre­cip­i­tate crashes.

  2. Pollas says:

    Heh, have to admit that that of course is rea­son­ably clever ;-) On the other hand I’ve never had the feel­ing that there was any rea­son to why the app crashed — just plain brows­ing of pages I’ve vis­ited many times before…and for some rea­son I can never actu­ally use the feed­back agent, it closes down as well…