Trillian now supports Jabber

Rus­sell Beat­tie:

This is great from a cou­ple of stand­points. First, I really like the idea of Jab­ber — local IM servers like you have local email servers, but I’ve never been *that* excited enough to run a sep­a­rate client along with Tril­lian, which han­dled every­thing else. Now that it’s inte­grated, it’s fantastic.

But the biggest thing is that ALL JABBER CLIENTS SUCK, so this news is fan­tas­tic from that view. Finally now Jab­ber has a client that it deserves.

Have to agree, been try­ing out var­i­ous clients the past six months, none of them espe­cially charm­ing. Haven’t been using Tril­lian for nearly two years but liked it a lot back then and will defi­nately give it a try. I’ll keep you posted.

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