Stupid mobs

When I first heard of this flash mob busi­ness a coupe of months ago, I found it quite cool; a proof of the orga­ni­za­tion capa­bil­i­ties of mod­ern mobile tech­nol­ogy, an exam­ple of how to inter­act with your phys­i­cal envi­ron­ment and just plain funny. But the con­cept itself, doing ran­dom gath­er­ings as an event, is pretty much not fun any­more once it’s been done a few time and the word gets around. But hav­ing your flash mob men­tioned on Dan­ish national radio (unfor­tu­nately I couldn’t find any links to the pro­gram or a pos­si­ble web­site — I bet it’s there) before­hand, mak­ing a pub­lic state­ment about how and when they’re gonna do it and what they want to accom­plish is just plain daft. Freak­ing amateurs…

Update: Via NSOP, Flash­Mob Aal­borg and a Berlingske arti­cle.

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One Response to Stupid mobs

  1. NO it doen’t get much more stu­pid than this.