Supporting University

Well, here I am, doing a lit­tle group­ware sup­port gig at the Uni­ver­sity of Copen­hagen, Insti­tute of Dan­ish lan­guage and lit­ter­a­ture. It’s all part of a major scheme meant to facil­i­tate bet­ter inter­ac­tion around and dur­ing courses; my job is to assist the teach­ing staff in using the soft­ware. So I’ll be at my new lit­tle office for the next cou­ple of weeks, curi­ous to whether the pres­ence of a sup­porter will have any effect on if this thing will lift off or not. Any­way, it’s a bril­liant idea (actu­ally, it’s just what should be expected, but still–things aren’t going too fast here in Uni-land all the time, so a small round of applause is appro­pri­ate I guess…) and I first thought of blog­ging the whole expe­ri­ence as a log of the first steps of adapt­ing new tech­nol­ogy in major institutions–and for the obvi­ous enter­tain­ment value bound to fol­low jobs of this nature. But the thing is, it might just be a rather bad idea. I haven’t got any idea if I’ll be busy or not, and I’m not going to do a “noth­ing hap­pened today” piece every­day about how bored I am. So I think I’ll just do a wrapup at the end, let­ting you know how it all went.

For now, I’m pretty much set­tled in, decent browsers and news read­ers installed (though it’s pretty damn hard being allowed to do any­thing with­out admin priv­i­leges on the machine I’ve been given due to its place­ment in the net­work), bad ass drum’n’bass in my head­phones, canned bev­er­ages, cof­fee on its way… I think I’ll just enjoy being good ol’ fash­ioned employed for a while…

Update: Things are cook­ing, lots of peo­ple sign­ing up, learn­ing how to use the system.

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