Standard compliant XHTML from OpenOffice

Great news: Andreas from web-graphics found the Writer2LaTeX util­ity, that does a great job at con­vert­ing OpenOf­fice doc­u­ments to XHTML 1.0 strict, and wrote a quick­guide on how to get it to work. Nice work, everyone!

Web Development. URL.

2 Responses to Standard compliant XHTML from OpenOffice

  1. dalager says:

    Thanks! Not for the xhtml-feature, but for the LaTeX con­ver­sion that might sim­plify my life.

    Dif­fer­ent moti­va­tion — same goal.

  2. Anders says:

    Well, I didn’t focus that much on the LaTeX part, though it is what the util­ity was made for in the first place ;-) Big ups to the Dan­ish OpenOf­fice guy!