Adios Comments — from the .NET guy

The .NET Guy is say­ing “Adios Com­ments”, so is a lot of other peo­ple, tired of com­ment spam and con­vinced that the tools for fight­ing it won’t suf­fice. I’ve men­tioned it before and while I have to admit that I too believe we haven’t seen the worst part yet (and that we have to get used to it ) I’m not too pleased with the fact, that blog­gers world­wide are shut­ting down com­ments and track­backs. It’s one of the things that makes blog­ging worth­while, hav­ing the pos­si­bil­ity to host inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions. I would prob­a­bly sur­vive even if I didn’t have com­ments, but if I can find some way of mak­ing it bear­able to fight spam, I defi­nately will. Spam­mers will do to blog­ging what they’ve done to email? Prob­a­bly true, it’s a pain in the ass — but we’re still using email, right…?!

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