I’m afraid — ban anything!

What’s going on in this world? Now Dan­ish media has picked up on the British story that cam­phones (3G in par­tic­u­lar for some rea­son) will prove a threat to chil­dren per­suaded to pho­to­graph them­selves and send the images off to pae­dophiles. And while this of course isn’t to be ignored, I’m sick and tired of the clas­sic, instant reac­tion of our times: Ban it! Chil­dren under the age of 18 shouldn’t be allowed to pur­chase this tech­nol­ogy (actu­ally, I’m look­ing for­ward to see how the big tel­cos will han­dle that; los­ing their biggest mar­ket while try­ing to be polit­i­cally cor­rect). Just as largest Dan­ish telco TDC had to make it clear, that their prod­ucts wasn’t to be used as instru­ments of bul­ly­ing fel­low class mem­bers. Sur­prise, surprise.

Dan Hon, ext|circ has a similar-sounding post: Burn the witch:

1. Child porn is evil and bad (not dis­puted in any way at all).
2. Tele­phones let pae­dophiles order porn using credit cards.
3. Actu­ally, credit cards let pae­dophiles order porn.
4. Cam­eras let pae­dophiles take pic­tures.
5. In fact, some­times porn is printed on paper.

In related news: Gutenberg’s bones were dug up today and cer­e­mo­ni­ally hung when it was dis­cov­ered that his inven­tion of the print­ing press enabled pae­dophiles to be billed for the porn they ordered.

Good news is, pres­i­dent of Red Bar­net Mimi Jacob­sen was inter­viewed this morn­ing, say­ing I don’t really believe in ban­ning evey­thing.

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