Mesh Standard coming up

Mesh Stan­dard on the Start­ing Block:

At the interim meet­ing of the IEEE 802.11 Work­ing Group this week in Van­cou­ver, British Colum­bia, a study group was formed to begin look­ing into even­tu­ally cre­at­ing an industry-recognized stan­dard for wire­less mesh networking.

[via Wi-Fi Net­work­ing News]

I’m quite excited about this. Guess the full poten­tial of wifi is about to be unleased by a real mesh net­work­ing stan­dard… Last year’s CphIn­ter­po­la­tion had a bit on the sub­ject with a visit from Locust­World and a good discussion.

I want to be part of the mesh, yes. Came to think about the magic bike and sim­i­lar projects. How about sell­ing these won­der­ful bikes, built by the Chris­tia­nia Smedje in the Chris­tia­nia — the per­ma­nent autonomous zone in Copen­hagen, with a wifi mesh optional add-on?

Tech. URL.

One Response to Mesh Standard coming up

  1. Tomas says:

    Jeg pre­sen­terer vores u-lands-projekter inkl. mesh pÃ¥ Emerg­ing Tech­nolo­gies kon­fer­ence i San Diego i Feb­ruar, og gen­t­ager suc­cessen pÃ¥ Lin­ux­Fo­rum i ¸benhavn d. 6. marts.

    ¥ Lin­ux­Fo­rum kom­mer der ogsÃ¥ et rekordforsøg-forsøg pÃ¥ at etablere ver­dens største midler­tidige mesh.

    - Pre­sen­ta­tion:
    – Rekordforsøg —