Tune Recycler — Support Indie Music with the iTunes Pepsi Super Bowl Promotion. It’s a step in the right direction… iTMS definately does what users have been craving for years; delivers music digitally. But while the record labels don’t miss out on revenue that way, the hope that the actual artists have a better way of surviving is a bit so so. Downhillbatte even got iTMS to remove the “fair to the artists” claim from their website… As it is now, you can’t ignore major record labels, and maybe you shouldn’t. But the main objective should be to get a big a cut as possible into the artists’ pockets which isn’t really happening now. Don’t get me wrong, I think the iTMS is cool and I feel good about paying for my music. But wouldn’t it be even cooler if the low-cost ways of distributing on the net could somehow benefit the people producing the music? I think so… iTMS and similar services have all the potential to do something more than just another way for a big industry to create income. It’s all about activism it seems…
Btw: Isn’t that Pepsi Super Bowl video embarrasing in every way?
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