Online card sorting

This Boxes and Arrows arti­cle, Card sort­ing: a defin­i­tive guide, is being heav­ily linked these days. It’s a fine read, . giv­ing an overview of a clas­sic. But I’m think­ing, while card sort­ing is excel­lent when hav­ing access to the actual par­tic­i­pants, indi­vid­u­als or a group, the method proves dif­fi­cult when work­ing in a smaller group of peo­ple spread over a vast area, devel­op­ing on stuff not quite ready to be showed to every­one else. But maybe you could do it online? How about Flickr, couldn’t you do an online ses­sion, get­ting your peers to sort images rep­re­sent­ing the cards?

I might be miss­ing some­thing here, but I’ll give it a think…

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