Monarchy lovers

You-know-who is hav­ing a party, so now the whole street is blocked. That’s just dandy. What’s more of a prob­lem are the 100+ peo­ple who think it’s a great idea stand­ing for hours in the rain to maybe catch a glimpse of some­one royal. WTF?‘
Ok, so you’re not directly against monar­chy, you think the royal fam­ily are good rep­re­sen­ta­tives for our lit­tle coun­try and “in Asia, a monar­chy is a great way to make con­tacts — and we all want more export, right?” Besides, who says a pres­i­dent would do any bet­ter? And the new prins­ess is really pretty and bright.

So? Pretty, smart peo­ple who would gladly give away both their arms to save the world? I know lots of them. What bugs me is the total lack of respon­si­bil­ity on the yes men’s part for what’s really impor­tant here: Nowhere in a civ­i­lized part of the world, peo­ple should be born to power. Nowhere in a civ­i­lized part of the world should we expect any­one to give away their right to vote, to live a nor­mal life, to fol­low any form of guide­lines other than their own. These poor (pretty and smart, I know) peo­ple have just been given a life sen­tence; if they enjoy that, fine — if not, please don’t make their life harder by STANDING IN THE FUCKING RAIN LIKE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS STARING LIKE YOU WERE AT THE ZOO.

But if we can’t look up to them and stare at them and read about them in white trash mag­a­zines, what are they there for then?” Well, that’s really the point here, isn’t it.…

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One Response to Monarchy lovers

  1. jdreng says:

    So true.

    A great wed­ding gift would be to give them back their civic rights (or in the case of Mary D., let­ting her keep them), and take away their bur­den of (sym­bolic) power (white man’s bur­den, any­one?). I actu­ally sug­gested that at, but I think they cen­sored it…