

I recently got a pair of Tech­nics RP-DJ1200 head­phones. When work­ing in dif­fer­ent envi­ron­ments with or with­out peo­ple around you, a set of good head­phones is essen­tial. I wanted a set of rugged, com­fort­able, easy-to-carry-around head­phones with good sound and ide­ally a good padding, keep­ing my beats in and office noise out. And these does that job pretty damn well. They’re made for DJ use so they do a great job of keep­ing sound out. And while the hi-fi crowd prob­a­bly would’nt clap their hands, the sound qual­ity is nice with good depth to the bass — and they can play incred­i­bly loud.

They’re com­fort­able, hav­ing them on a full day won’t hurt your head and as they’re made for mon­i­tor­ing your next track while cut­ting it up, the cups can be twisted in both direc­tions which is actu­ally quite prac­ti­cal when you don’t want to be com­pletely out of reach but still want to have your iTunes col­lec­tion run­ning. It also lets you fold them up so they’re easy to carry. They come with a fake-leather purse which isn’t exactly a turn-on but it does the job, I guess. Only real down­side: They’ve decided not only to make the logo huge — but also purple…WTF?

(This entry is the first in the Stuff cat­e­gory, a cat­e­gory I’ve wanted to do for some time as all these things we use every day actu­ally mean some­thing, although I some­how would like them not to… This some­what relates to a sim­i­lar thought at dalager’s on con­sumer infor­ma­tion.)

Stuff. URL.

3 Responses to Headphones

  1. jdreng says:

    I’ve had my 1200s for a cou­ple of years now and I am thor­oughly sat­is­fied with them. The logos and lines on mine are greyish-white, though. I think they must have gone colour­blind recently.

    As I am mostly using them for DJing I’m lov­ing the fact that snares and kick­drums always sound clear, but I actu­ally also like the sound of the 1200s (fuck Hi-Fi, let’s get rough!!). I think you won’t regret going for the tech­nics, Pollas :)

  2. plok says:

    Nice one! ´ll have to check them out. I like the Beyer DT-150 when it´s got to be loud and the AKG 240 when it´s got to be nice and smooth. ´ve never under­stood the twistin´ cups as I always mix pfl + sum in the phones to avoid roomde­lay and crowd-distractions. But I guess that´s a mat­ter of per­sonal preference.

    Btw: Nice move with the Stuff cat­e­gory! I like!

  3. jdreng says:

    I like the twist­ing action in com­bi­na­tion with a booth mon­i­tor, as I feel the need to con­nect with the crowd while I’m playing.I’ve played in clubs with lousy booth mon­i­tor­ing, so some­times a bit of cue/master-mix in the phones with both of the cups on is nec­es­sary, though.