3650 and a 12-inch points to a beautiful screensaver featuring black and white images from what also happens to be my favourite city, London.
You’ll also notice that your’s truly has the same phone/laptop setup as the aforementioned blogger (who happens to run a really cool blog I’ve found a lot of good stuff on) — hopefully that will soon change.
While I’m still in newfound love with my 12″ Powerbook, I’m starting to get sick and tired of my Nokia 3650. It’s butt-ugly but that I knew when I bought it. What I didn’t know was that even though it takes a 128MB card, once you store more than 2MB of data on it, the phone goes slo-mo. Saving images from the camera takes a good 30 seconds, it often needs rebooting (these phones are _not_ computers, damnit) and quite often strange error messages pop up for no apparent reason. I guess it could benefit from a firmware upgrade, but I don’t really feel like paying to get my phone to do what it was supposed to do in the first place… On top of that, I’ll lose my settings.
Note to self: Please try and stay focused in the future. Don’t let your associations run wild.