London screensaver — and crappy phones

3650 and a 12-inch points to a beau­ti­ful screen­saver fea­tur­ing black and white images from what also hap­pens to be my favourite city, London.

You’ll also notice that your’s truly has the same phone/laptop setup as the afore­men­tioned blog­ger (who hap­pens to run a really cool blog I’ve found a lot of good stuff on) — hope­fully that will soon change.

While I’m still in new­found love with my 12″ Power­book, I’m start­ing to get sick and tired of my Nokia 3650. It’s butt-ugly but that I knew when I bought it. What I didn’t know was that even though it takes a 128MB card, once you store more than 2MB of data on it, the phone goes slo-mo. Sav­ing images from the cam­era takes a good 30 sec­onds, it often needs reboot­ing (these phones are _not_ com­put­ers, damnit) and quite often strange error mes­sages pop up for no appar­ent rea­son. I guess it could ben­e­fit from a firmware upgrade, but I don’t really feel like pay­ing to get my phone to do what it was sup­posed to do in the first place… On top of that, I’ll lose my settings.

Note to self: Please try and stay focused in the future. Don’t let your asso­ci­a­tions run wild.

Misc., Tech. URL.

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