Tubemap tattoo

From the excel­lent Lon­don Under­ground Tube Diary, an excel­lent weblog about the under­ground trans­port in the city you gotta love: tubetattoo

All you can do is to hope it’s either fake or not permanent.

Misc.. URL.

4 Responses to Tubemap tattoo

  1. anna says:

    OMG — that is cool — maybe i should get the copen­hagen metro net on my back… then again ;)

  2. pollas says:

    There might just be a free beer for you at the blog­ger party if you turn up with a full-back tat of … what­ever really… Just remem­ber to get your name or a URI in there in big, filled gothic letters…

  3. Jon says:

    I’m afraid it is real… I know the guy who’s got it. I think it’s a great con­tender for the “most ill-advised tat­too ever”. Was look­ing for that pic­ture, though. Thanks.

  4. john says:

    Dude that rocks