Blog redesign, episode 3

Yet another ‘episode’. I’ve renamed the moblog to ‘cam­blog’ (thoughts on that here), changed tem­plates accord­ingly and put a redi­rect line in my .htac­cess file which will hope­fully keep the thou­sands of sub­scribers to my very impor­tant image feed.

Redirect /mblog

So far, my aggre­ga­tor of choice (Shrook) has updated my feed with no com­plaints. Again, let me know if some­thing doesn’t work for you.

As far as “remov­ing design” goes, I’ve had to real­ize that when you don’t really have a design but more of a ‘lay­out with a bit of styling’, that’s kind of hard, so for now that part of the process is put aside. How­ever, I did remove some stuff from the side­bar; var­i­ous links not updated for ages, my blogroll (weblogs from my old Bloglines-account) and searches and ref­er­ers (sic!) which pri­mar­ily were spam and porn bots.

Update: I’m hav­ing prob­lems with image paths, espe­cially as I for some rea­son don’t have the same paths across all my posts. So for now I’ve for­got about redi­rect­ing image fold­ers and will do a proper cleanup later. Feeds should still be fine. Expect the worst., Web Development. URL.

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