Wiki / community sites

The Daily Stan­dards on Build­ing a com­mu­nity site:

Quick sum­mary of this entry for those in a hurry: ALL WIKI SOFTWARE PACKAGES SUCK!

And while a bit bold, the state­ment pretty much sums up my expe­ri­ence with the few wikis I’ve had a look at.

Instiki isn’t that bad, though. I’ve suc­ces­fully installed it on my Power­book in just two steps and besides being easy to install and use, it looks fine.

That said, a small group of us, talk­ing at the Blo­gra­dio end-of-season-party about wikis, all had sim­i­lar expe­ri­ences; most wiki pack­ages are pretty hor­ri­ble design-wise and as the pur­pose of wikis really are to just get going a lit­tle pret­ty­fi­ca­tion defi­nately wouldn’t hurt. So we thought about pick­ing one of them and do a lit­tle design work on it. Not a bad idea, really…

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