Blog redesign, episode 6

More fun. I’ve installed the Acronym plu­gin which takes care of under­lin­ing and explain­ing and started list­ing the plu­g­ins I use at the bot­tom of the Colophon page.

And I’ve merged my side­blog into the main index so the lit­tle link blurps just show up in their own slightly dif­fer­ent design (to be opti­mized shortly) in between the reg­u­lar posts. So it’s really not a side­blog any­more, but think­ing of all the trou­ble I had renam­ing my moblog into cam­blog, I just might leave that bit for now. I guees it could have been done using a cat­e­gory as well, but I already have links in the side­blog and I kind of like it to be seper­ated that way.

I used Multi­Blog to do it. Really easy to install and set up — and really easy to use. It gives you a replace­ment con­tainer tag for <MTEntries>, <MTMultiBlogEntries>, which lets you spec­ify which addi­tional blogs to include as well as sev­eral extra tags; <MTMultiBlogIfNotLocalBlog>..</MTMultiBlogIfNotLocalBlog> and <MTMultiBlogIfLocalBlog>...</MTMultiBlogIfLocalBlog> allows you to wrap the lay­out markup for the dif­fer­ent blogs. It plugs into MT so all you have to do to make it work, is to spec­ify which blog(s) get­ting posted to should make which other blog(s)‘s index page to rebuild. Easy peasy… I found a nice intro at Mova­log., Web Development. URL.

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