Blog redesign, episode 9

A few minor improvements:

The cat­e­gory ‘Bla bla’ is now called ‘Misc.’ — highly orig­i­nal, I know.

My lat­est book­marks have taken the place of the side­bar (which got included in the main post area). The thought behind this divide is that I’m pri­mar­ily using for ‘real’ book­marks; stuff I want to come back to, where I can look some­thing up, resource-type things, whereas the side­blog is more of a quick-post thing. So far I’m not really using that much, but at least the code is in there together with a link to the book­mark feed.

I’m using the Magie RSS PHP library and a code sam­ple snip­pet I found at Mov­able­Blog.

Web Development. URL.

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