Extending the range of non-Apple APs using AirPort Express

Good news over at Zawodny’s: The “
Air­Port Express can extend the range only of an Air­Port Extreme or Air­Port Express wire­less net­work” part of Apple’s doc­u­men­ta­tion have both­ered every­one — Amazon.com’s user reviews to the rescue:

For apple users I imag­ine instal­la­tion is a breeze… Well, I use XP and I have got this puppy hooked up to a Linksys wrt54g 1.1 router. Instal­la­tion in this set­ting wasn’t such a nice expe­ri­ence. Since the Apple Express Assis­tant will only auto­mat­i­cally detect Apple wire­less net­works, you have to install the device ini­tially (using an Eth­er­net cable from your router) as its own net­work. Once you have done that you can step back in using the Apple Admin Util­ity to join your cur­rent net­work (you will need to type the name of the net­work in manually).

I don’t have the need, but I do own a cou­ple of Linksys routers so this is good news. On a side note, I just used my AX as a portable AP for the first time. Rocks!

Tech. URL.

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