GUUUI — Card sorting tools

GUUUI points us to a sum­mary on card sort­ing tools. I haven’t read it prop­erly yet but I’m already biased towards Web­Sort as it allows you to do your card sorts over the web. I’m a big fan of pen and paper and while soft­ware defi­nately will make sav­ing your data in a decent for­mat (and not just a desk drawer) a lot eas­ier, I really just need a sim­ple way of not hav­ing to met in per­son with the card sort­ing crew.

I’ve men­tioned this before, but never got round to do an actual search on the sub­ject. I imag­ine a video con­fer­ence in com­bi­na­tion with an online card sort­ing tool could prove quite use­ful (ok, so I got an iSight some time ago and still need to find some­thing use­ful to use it for).

Misc.. URL.

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