MileWideBack Firefox extension

Yet another poten­tially use­ful Fire­fox plugin:

<block­quote cite=“””>

And whad­dya know, it turns out to be yet another essen­tial exten­sion (as far as I’m con­cerned). The premise of MileWide­Back is sim­ple: you use the left-edge of the Fire­fox win­dow to nav­i­gate back and forth in your tab his­tory.

This exten­sion allows you to nav­i­gate back and forth with­out requir­ing com­plex hand-to-eye coordination.

Redemp­tion in a blog:

I’ll have to try it out once I get to my PC. Since upgrad­ing to the lat­est RC on OS X, I’m hav­ing a lot of trou­ble with Fire­fox. It runs, but I can’t open new win­dows, the same goes for pop-ups and once one of these win­dows are ini­ti­ated, the Window-menu gets an empty line for each one; even­tu­ally the browser stops respond­ing. I have tried man­u­ally to remove all plu­g­ins etc., but so far with­out any luck. So I’m using Safari as my pri­mary browser which I though would be a healthy expe­ri­ence any­way. Single-window mode works out of the box which is really con­ve­nient when using an aggre­ga­tor — of course Fire­fox does that in one of the lat­est builds as well…but I guess I’ll have to wait to test that. I don’t mind fid­dling with a few things to get new soft­ware to work but right now I just can’t be arsed.

On a side note, I’m try­ing out doing the BLOCKQUOTE–markup a bit bet­ter, adding ADDRESS at the end. Found the tip over at Anne’s.

Misc.. URL.

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