Recursive fun


The two recur­sive rene­gades Le Danois and Dalager are hav­ing some fun, a recur­sive thursday.

But two three can play that game. In the pic­ture: Yours truly blog­ging the recur­sive post with ecto in a mir­ror while watch­ing a video with Dalager recorded using the same phone that’s in the pic­ture in the mir­ror. How about that? And it’s totally beside the point as it’s not really recur­sive, but it’s sort of the same game… I should sleep more, I know…

Blogging. URL.

7 Responses to Recursive fun

  1. mikkel says:

    And the amaz­ing thing is that the orig­i­nal photo just keeps get­ting better!!!

  2. troels says:

    But you pol­las, are the true “Rene­gage Master”..

  3. Thomas says:

    @Mikkel: Are you diss­ing the French snow­men? Would you dare make that post from down here? I bet not!!!
    @Pollas: Does three posts con­sti­tute a meme? Could be the world’s most lim­ited meme!

  4. dalager says:

    This is bii­iig!
    Get­ting to see the Pol­las Shower is not com­mon stuff!

    What is that video-thing? I don’t remem­ber any video.…
    But then again : who does. And one day you’re try­ing to get elected and it’s all over the bloody inter­net with whores and ropes and PERVERT paintet in big white let­ters on the pave­ment out­side my door and mom call­ing to hear no-its-a-fake-of-course-i-didn’t-do-it.…

  5. dalager says:

    BTW: does it have that green­ish night-vision paris hilton look to it?

  6. pollas says:

    @dalager: who says it’s my shower? after review­ing the video, I’ve decided I’m to good a human being to release it onto the inter­web. I have called your mom and told her what’s on it, though — no sur­prises at elec­tion time. (no, it’s not paris hilton-style — but defi­nately some­hing for the extras section).

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