Get yourself stuck

This has been sit­ting in my ‘to-be-blogged’ list for some days (via The Gad­get­Guy):

Every­thing is packed, espe­cially my hard disk. I have down­loaded a whole bunch of pod­casts I have not been able to lis­ten to (this is a big issue with pod­casts) and I’m kinda look­ing for­ward to be stuck at the air­port or on the air­plane in order to be finally able to lis­ten to all this stuff. Paolo Valde­marin

Boy, do I know that feel­ing. Since pod­cast­ing I’ve been lis­ten­ing to more talk radio than ever before. But it’s kind of hard find­ing 4–5 hours every day with just a 10 minute bike ride to work — and plenty of work to keep myself busy. All of a sud­den, meet­ings across coun­try mean pleas­ant hours on trains, lis­ten­ing to the ipod, gig­gling at all the good stuff while sip­ping bad coffee.

Misc.. URL.

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