Comment spam revisited

Ben Ham­mer­s­ley on a new type of com­ment spam with per­sonal domain names and no con­tent:

ItÂ’s not a real per­son, ’m sure of that, and theyÂ’re not grasp­ing for Google-juice yet, as there is no site at the end of the link. Look­ing like peo­ple is a cun­ning move, as it pre­vents generic term black­list­ing, and will get through the less than attentive.

I’m sure you all had your vis­its from the lovely girls and thought some­thing along the lines that Ham­mer­s­ley sug­gests. What I want is nice t-shirts say­ing “Jen­nifer Con­nor fucked me” or “Sarah Ster­ling (heart) me”. Time to give’em a bit of credit.

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One Response to Comment spam revisited

  1. btezra says:

    ~I have found com­ment spam to be an annoy­ance, that was until I installed the com­ment approval with the newest Mov­able­Type release…now I just mar­vel at the lack of orig­i­nal­ity and humor in com­ment spam~