Powerbook trouble

My Power­book is act­ing strange. It’s been doing it for a cou­ple of weeks now and so far I haven’t been able to google some­thing up.

1) When wak­ing it from sleep mode, it dis­plays the arrow on a black screen for some sec­onds then goes back to sleep. Nor­mally I would log in here — if I turn ‘log in after sleep’ off, I can come back to a func­tion­ing OS fram sleep mode. So can any­one else, though…

2) When using Soft­ware update, press­ing the actual Install-button once I’ve selected what to install…won’t work. Strange thing is, I had a sec­ond pro­file on the machine as a test — when logged into that, I could just give it my admin pass­word and it would install.

I have no idea what’s going on. I’ve been play­ing with extra pro­files, exter­nal hard­drives, typeit4me and other lit­tle exten­sions, updated OS X itself etc. — so it might be one of these things, a com­bi­na­tion hereof — or none of the above…I don’t know.

Any­how, any help or hints would be greatly appre­ci­ated. And no, I’m not send­ing my Power­book to the Nether­lands to get it fixed — I’m not really in the mood for work chaos … it’s messy enough as if at the moment.

Update: Mys­tery seems solved: A friend had bor­rowed my lap­top and installed Pro Tools on it as he was try­ing to fig­ure out whether his own Power­book had been hurt dur­ing a repair or not — and Pro Tools was actu­ally what I myself thought to be the cause of the trou­ble at first as I had just pulled the app to the trash instead of unin­stalling it. But as I couldn’t any­thing with a Pro Tools name on it on my hard drive and had per­formed numer­ous other things just as likely to cause mis­chief I let that thought go. I have now proved myself wrong (or right, if you will) — after try­ing a bunch of dif­fer­ent things, includ­ing a few from the com­ments (thanks guys! I should have done that any­way — it’s now a part of my rou­tine) I came back and did a search for the man­u­fac­turer, DigiDesign, instead. I found a bunch of stuff includ­ing some startup stuff scat­tered around the place. It’s now been removed — so far everything’s back to normal…Fingers crossed.

Misc.. URL.

4 Responses to Powerbook trouble

  1. speedy says:

    repair per­mis­sions, zap pram, backup, rein­stall, move backup user folder into new install..

  2. pollas says:

    Oh, that sounds trou­ble­some — but it seems to ring a bell to you; it just might work if I go through all that?

    Thanks or the info!

  3. Def­i­nitely repair per­mis­sions first. See if that fixes it. Use some­thing like Onyx or Cock­tail to run an auto­mated repair of per­mis­sions along with an emp­ty­ing of all the cache files that can build up and forc­ing run of all nec­es­sary cron jobs. If that doesn’t work, and the other rec­om­men­da­tion doesn’t work, then I’d bet on a cor­rupted pref­er­ence file being the cul­prit. There’s a tool that searches for cor­rupted pref files, but I’ve for­got­ten it’s name… search­ing… found it:

    Good luck.

  4. pollas says:

    Thanks for the pref file hint — I’ll take a look at it!