Burning feeds

When I’m done mock­ing walk-with-sticks peo­ple, I’m going to look into the magic that is Feed­Burner. Hope­fully noth­ing will break, but if you don’t hear from me in a week or two, please check the site. I’m plan­ning on offer­ing a new mix­ture of feeds, hope­fully mak­ing sub­scrib­ing eas­ier and/or more fun. I have — of course — been bab­bling about this for bloody ages.

(Search­ing for ear­lier posts con­tain­ing ‘feed’ — it’s a lot — I acci­dently dis­cov­ered that I’m the one who invented Base­camp. Why doesn’t any­one tell me any­thing? Gees…)

As it turns out, you can’t splice sev­eral of your own feeds. You can plug in your del.icio.us, Blog­lines clip­pings, Flickr stuff etc. (which is great!) but yu need to go under the MT-hood to deliver a source feed con­tain­ing all the stuff from your own blogs (my blog is made up of three seper­ate blogs). I don’t mind get­ting my hands dirty, but I guess I’ll still need seper­ate feeds any­way, and Feed­burner just might add this fea­ture soon. We’ll see… But: Feed­Burner rocks! Easy setup, great func­tion­al­ity — and if the fea­tures keep com­ing they’re gonna take over that whole feed busi­ness. They even did some stuff with enclo­sures that I’ll take a look at as soon as I find some time and some pod­cast­ing hard­ware I can play with.

Pollas.dk. URL.

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