Painting yourself into corners when making websites

Inter­est­ing dis­cus­sion over at The Autis­tic Cuckoo on whether you paint your­self into a cor­ner by start­ing with the seman­tics when build­ing a new site or not — or if you risk the exact same by div­ing straight into Pho­to­shop; One Way to Design a Web Site. [via 456 Berea Street].

Per­son­ally I often take the approach sug­gested in the post, mark­ing sec­tions up with­out think­ing about place­ment, then going over them again with the cre­ative glove. Often I do this based on some sim­ple draw­ings or a real design being made as I go. I can’t say I lean towards either side, how­ever I really only have one focus: To keep out of the cor­ners while set­tling on the best archi­tec­ture pos­si­ble; if you start cod­ing to deal with infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture, fine — if you start sketch­ing to deal with com­mu­ni­ca­tion and get­ting the mes­sage across, that’s fine too. As long as you don’t start cod­ing because it’s eas­ier or sketch­ing because you’re focused too on the graphic part, just do what­ever helps you focus on the right archi­tec­ture for the site.

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