Toy: s1001

OS X Flickr users, go take s1001 for a spin. It’s a desk­top client for man­ag­ing your photo stream allow­ing you to upload, blog etc. It comes with a screen­saver (that’s how I found the app) capa­ble of down­load­ing images based on pre­ferred tags. Neat. I had a bit of trou­ble run­ning it for the first time, but some­how it fixed itself. Which is neat as well.

Also of inter­est, the Flickr Export Plu­gin for iPhoto. Great func­tion­al­ity. Only trou­ble is, I can’t get it to accept my password…which means I can’t play. Devel­op­ment seems to have pretty much stopped, but I’m hop­ing it will pick up again soon.

Misc.. URL.

One Response to Toy: s1001

  1. Lars Pind says:

    Flick­r­Ex­port is work­ing per­fectly for me, and accord­ing to the site, ver­sion 1.1 is from 2005-01-02, just two days ago?