Little Mac

So every­one is talk­ing Apple hard­ware these days, repeat­ing them­selves and oth­ers but that’s how it is… This is about the new Mac mini, as an added ser­vice to you and the big inter­net cable in the ocean I’m not post­ing the pic­ture. How about that.

Any­way, since switch­ing (get­ting a power­book) I’ve been feel­ing the urge to get a non-laptop Mac; for file stor­age, as an extra play-computer — and for stay­ing con­nected, turned on or what­ever when I’m car­ry­ing the lap­top around. Since get­ting the radioSHARK I’ve the­o­ret­i­cally been able to record all kinds of stuff — but I’ve barely used it. It’s a great prod­uct … if your lap­top is on at a cer­tain time and con­nected to the inter­net. Wanted to record tech radio show Hard­disken? Sorry dude, seems you were on the bus at the time. So, for this — and var­i­ous other ‘Mac only things where an always-on-ish com­puter is a must’ I think the Mac mini is ideal (where’s the line-in btw.? Could’ve come in handy).

But: I’m not one of those sad PC-persons with tons of unused hard­ware — actu­ally I’m a PC user that still uses his PC-hardware for his PC. And I don’t want it per­ma­nently con­nected to a mon­i­tor etc. I want to log in to it from my lap­top just as the mini-itx Linux server I never got around to build. Only, OS X is so nice I’ll prob­a­bly want more than a ter­mi­nal win­dow. I want some remote desk­top solu­tion. Which (as always after way to much text) leads to my ques­tion: Does OS X ship with some sort of soft­ware that’ll do this, or am I forced into buy­ing their Apple Remote Desk­top? As far as I remem­ber, Win­dows XP Pro will let you do this with built-in soft­ware, but what about OS X?

Tech. URL.

4 Responses to Little Mac

  1. Jacken says:

    You don’t need Apple Remote Desk­top, just use one of the free VNC clients. There is an option built in to acti­vate VNC in Mac OS X.

  2. pollas says:

    VNC would be great, I just didn’t think I could actu­ally get in to OS X via VNC. I’ll look for it any­way. Thnx.

  3. jacken says:

    If you go into Sys­tem Pref­er­ence and choose Shar­ing, and then select Apple Remote Desk­top, click on the Priv­i­leges but­ton, there you have the choice “VNC client can con­trol the screen with pass­word…” (or some­thing sim­i­lar, I’m trans­lat­ing from Swedish) If you don’t have that choice it’s prob­a­bly because you don’t have Apple Remote Desk­top 2 Client, but you can down­load that from Apple.

    Good luck


  4. Vibber says:

    Write to me at if you want to sell your radioshark