
This is cool: Skate video ‘Adapt’ from Stolen Moments; a 23 min­utes DVD-quality free down­load. Which you should go down­load. Right now.

Beau­ti­ful imagery, great music and trick skat­ing I’m not sure I would even have the guts to watch in real life. Great qual­ity, crisp cut­ting — obvi­ously a lot of atten­tion has gone into mak­ing slick con­nec­tions between image and sound; tricks are exe­cuted on the beat, replays are artis­ticly done using over­lays, reverse play etc. and the sound of wheels on asphalt and what­not is present through­out, giv­ing a good feel­ing of tex­ture while lis­ten­ing to the nice music.

I have no idea what the aver­age qual­ity level is in prod­c­tions on this scene, but I have a feel­ing this is pretty damn good. The chances of me buy­ing a skat­ing video are pretty low (as my brief affair with inline-skating turned out to look like a rolling death wish), but there you go; the won­ders of the inter­web — I’ve just spent hours down­load­ing the beast and 23 min­utes watch­ing it. So I imag­ine the cre­ator reaches a lot of peo­ple he wouldn’t have otherwise.

One major com­plaint, though. Adapt is waaay to short. [via Loud­Think­ing]

Misc.. URL.

One Response to WheelsOnRails

  1. Hartvig says:

    Sounds great — bet­ter check it out!

    I’ve got a snow­board dvd this week­end by Luk­sus pro­duc­tions called “Frost” that we should watch at the office. Maybe even make a skate-culture video night, with beers and all…?
