Moviestar, oh moooooviestar.…

While lunch­ing I watched the 12 o’clock news from DR and sud­denly dis­cov­ered some of my work. I’ve been help­ing, try­ing to clean up the hor­ri­ble GoLive-generated tag soup, ajust the lay­out a bit, set­ting up Word­Press etc. It’s nowhere near per­fect as we didn’t have much time (and I’m buried in client work), the point how­ever, is that I just man­aged to per­suade a diehard GoLive user and a web pub­lish­ing new­bie to cre­ate all new con­tent using a text edi­tor. Clean code com­ing up. On the down­side, no form of CMS is used, leav­ing the blog as the only sec­tion with rss.

The fea­ture on the news started by men­tion­ing, that two web­sites are mon­i­tor­ing the spin dur­ing the Dan­ish elec­tion. Unfor­tu­nately, for some rea­son the never got around to men­tion more than one site. As a ser­vice, I’ll take a qual­i­fied guess at They are the ones doing the mon­i­tor­ing bit, while are more focused on the com­mu­ni­ca­tion aspects, a lot of it on a the­o­ret­i­cal level. Or so I hear, I’m just the ‘I’ll code for dou­ble espres­soes at weird hours’-guy.

Also: Lis­beth Klas­trup is blog­ging on the weblog aspect of the elec­tion and got picked up by Poli­tiken. Yay!

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