Talking Heads-cast

Andreas informs us that TV2 will be air­ing reallife.log, a two-minutes-per-head-a-day type show with per­sonal sto­ries soon. I think he’s absolutely right, that vide­ologs on tv is a strange con­cept, that the per­sonal pub­lish­ing bit is inter­est­ing and that most of it will be talk­ing heads on tape.

What’s inter­est­ing about weblogs is not that peo­ple all of a sud­den can pub­lish on the web (they’ve had that pos­si­bil­ity for years), but that it got a whole lot eas­ier when blog­ging tools emerged, that blogs share a for­mat, that there’s no limit and that it’s easy to sub­scribe to — and con­sume when­ever you want. The per­sonal aspect (which TV2 empha­sizes) is the only bit left and while defi­nately inter­est­ing (DR has done it sev­eral times, hand­ing out DV-cameras and using the tapes as an ongo­ing ‘while we wait for the next show’-thing) it doesn’t really do jus­tice to the blog for­mat and the com­mod­ity hard­ware fuelling the scene.

Enough bitch­ing. It’s practice-what-you-preach-year: How about the Dan­ish blo­gos­phere did a com­pet­ing show, ‘aired’ at the same time, but with a slight change in con­cept. No air­ing, no rules, no lim­its in par­tic­i­pants or posts per day. Just one sin­gle site pick­ing of all the stuff, pod­cast­ing it to the peo­ple. Maybe the two-minute for­mat could be inter­est­ing (sim­i­lar shaped chunks), I don’t know…

I don’t even have a DV-cam, but any cam­phone should work…

Blogging. URL.

One Response to Talking Heads-cast

  1. Zeuthen says:

    Zeuthen and Ped­er­sen are prepar­ing non-commercial com­mer­cial spots on DR2. Ber­telsen is chew­ing on it.

    One idea from Peter Lauge­sen: watch tv from the end of one day’s broad­cast­ing to the begin­ning of the next day’s broadcasting.

    Another one. Under water: Per­form a clas­si­cal con­cert before an audience.

    My idea. For one day: Africa is Europe and vice versa