
I’ve been watch­ing the devel­op­ing story on trackback-spam in hor­ror (it’s in to be scared these days, remem­ber) recently, think­ing of what to do. I like track­backs so the easy “just cut’em” solu­tion didn’t seem attrac­tive, how­ever — this is what have been done. Not by me, but by my host. Iron­i­cally, the server crashed just as I tried to log in to close all track­backs on old entries and set the default to ‘no’ on new entries. Ide­ally, you would have mod­er­ated track­backs but this doesn’t lower the server load I guess…

Any­way, my host under­standibly got really tired of hav­ing do deal with the MT-fuckers, so he just killed mt-tb.cgi — which seems to be the only decent solu­tion for now. These days, when some­one geeky enough to own a server uses the phone to con­tact you, you know something’s wrong.

What to do? Change of plat­form, new weapons to fight off the pings of evil?

Pollas.dk. URL.

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