iPodderX 3.0

Finally. Since the Tiger upgrade, I haven’t been able to down­load any pod­casts using iPod­derX due to soem error. They just released ver­sion 3 which offers disk use man­age­ment, iPhoto inte­gra­tion, playlist cre­ation and more. I’ll have to take a look.

Apart being cut off from the audio part of our beloved inter­web (and not hav­ing time or energy to find another setup), sev­eral things annoyed me about the errors caused by the Tiger-upgrade.

While post­ing stuff about the upcom­ing 3.0-release, the guys at iPod­derX didn’t want to post about the Tiger-trouble. This could, how­ever, be found at the sup­port forum, which is all nice and fine, but no way am I gonna signup to voice that I — also — have prob­lems. It’s not a tool the same way, say, Mov­able­Type or Word­Press is a tool. It’s a piece of soft­ware that should work. And while I have all kinds of respect for soft­ware devel­op­ers, more than three weeks of non-functioning podcast-downloading is a bit too long for my liking.

I’m not ask­ing much. Just a decent update on what’s going on. Some peo­ple had luck doing lit­tle tricks found in the forum to get their soft­ware to work. For us not that lucky, well…

And don’t get me wrong. I can eas­ily under­stand why you don’t wanna spend time fix­ing stuff when you have a new ver­sion com­ing up. But either push the beta to the cus­tomers who have trou­ble or com­mu­ni­cate a bit clearer.

And now: Head­phones on, pod­casts in, iPod­derX doing over­time suck­ing the fat pipe.

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