Know your enemy: Amazon & PostDanmark

I know they mean well over at, but when they split up my pack­ages (even­though they do it for free), they also put my money directly in the pock­ets of Post­Dan­mark. My stuff gets picked up by cus­toms a lot. Tough shit, but still — the dol­lar is weak, what do I care.

But: Post­Dan­mark insists on charg­ing me DKK 50,- plus VAT for doing the dirty-work of col­lect­ing the cus­toms duty, mean­ing that the sin­gle book I just got ended up cost­ing more in var­i­ous taxes and han­dling charges than I actu­ally payed for the book. Might as well write’em myself then…

Note to self: See if there’s an option to force all books in a sin­gle order together in one package.

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