Wifi Berlin

Spent a lit­tle time yes­ter­day look­ing for wifi around Kreuzberg using the nifty lit­tle Canary Wire­less — not much luck. To lit­tle, too secure.

Morena to the res­cue. It’s lit­er­ally across the road from where we live. The wifi’s free (and slow), the break­fast great, the music cheesy, the peo­ple seem nice — and they’ve got a wifi-policy: Wifi is avail­able between 9am and 7pm — and not on Sun­days. And half the place is a no laptop-zone. Noone’s sit­ting over there now, though; it’s the usual mix of lots of Macs and a few hard­core PCs with wifi cards stick­ing out the side.

Oh, and MAKE is now avail­able for down­load, so I can read it while I’m here. Great.

But: Ger­man coffee-making sucks. What is it with Ger­mans and UHF-milk? And just keep cheap cocoa-powder from the top of my lattes, ok? If any­one sees Ricco, send him down here.

Tech. URL.

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