Police guidelines: aim for the head

Boing Boing: New police guide­lines: shoot sui­cide bomber sus­pects in head (reported heav­ily a lot of other places).

Fol­low­ing the recent killing of an inno­cent elec­tri­cian in Lon­don, the ‘sus­pected’ part makes you think.

Beside (as noted in the Boing Boing post) mak­ing me recon­sider my choice of cloth­ing — maybe I should just stay indoors, keep­ing my skin pale, and go for a more innocent-looking touristy non-gadget-carrying style — it seems as if this approach is incred­i­bly short-sighted.

For how long exactly will suicide-bombers con­tinue to look sus­pi­cious prior to set­ting off their bombs? I rode the Berlin unde­ground yes­ter­day and dur­ing a ticket-inspection, the inspec­tor failed to iden­tify the owner of a bike parked in the car (prob­a­bly bea­cuse the owner didn’t want to pay the extra money for it). It’s a pipe bomb on wheels, damnit. Shoot the (pos­si­ble) owner in the head? Great. Now he can’t push the dead man’s han­dle which is the only rea­son­able ter­ror­ist approach to trigger-happy police­men look­ing to kill them.

Sui­cide bomb­ing is gonna be so last year real soon. Remotes, proxy bombers or sur­bur­bian house­wives — you can’t expect being able to rec­og­nize these people.

What about a reli­giously and polit­i­cally indif­fer­ent poor house­wife from sub­ur­bia with a bad con­science, hav­ing never really done some­thing good for her kids. Could she be talked into car­ry­ing a pack­age for money? Prob­a­bly. Is shoot­ing jumble-sale mums wear­ing flow­ery dresses in the head the answer? I doubt it…

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