Freaking the photo lab staff out

Some­thing occured to me as I was pick­ing up a few prints of some dig­i­tal pho­tos I took at a lab at Alexan­der­platz: Why don’t you — the next time you’re at a lab — snap some pic­tures of the staff when they aren’t look­ing? Then upload the files to their server and order some copies. Ide­ally 100+ so they’ll think you’re com­pletely mad.

Imag­ine going to the printer to pick up…pictures of yourself.

Please note: This might be ille­gal — and in any case prob­a­bly not the most clever thing you ever did. But then again, if you’re not suspicious-looking enough to get noticed by law-enforcement while com­mut­ing, here’s your chance to meet a hand­some police­man.

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