Rebecca Blood

Two min­utes late, I’m at the Rebecca Blood event on cor­po­rate blog­ging. It’s tight and to the point.

No live­blog­ging from me. Did that yes­ter­day — today is my day off. Kim Elmose is blog­ging live and links to fel­low livebloggers.

At time of writ­ing (shit, now I’m live­blog­ging) Rebecca is talk­ing about blog­ging poli­cies which links to a dis­cus­sion we had yes­ter­day at CMF2005 where we man­aged to setup our own blog­ging round­table session.

More on that in a seper­ate post, but over­all it’s fair to say the non-bloggers were caught in a fear par­a­digm. Yeah, yeah, so blogging’s good — but how about [insert stan­dard cor­por­ta­tion fear].

Blood is attack­ing the (impor­tant, I agree) sub­ject by turn­ing it around: Blog­ging poli­cies are meant to be a help to employ­ees blog­ging so every­one knows who’s in charge, what they can and can’t do etc. Which is a much more pleas­ant and vision­ary way of look­ing at it…

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