At Next2005

Seated at Next2005. First up is Dr. Dr. Nor­bert Stre­itz from Ambi­ente who started by stat­ing that in the future we might not value not being avail­able. Since then he has — so far — mostly been in overview mode; not very spe­cific, not very visionary.

Per­va­sive com­put­ing challenge:

Design­ing for an under­stand­ing of a trans­par­ent inter­face, pri­vacy concerns.

Ques­tion: Do we still need office build­ings (Dr. Dr. thinks yes)? “Coop­er­a­tive build­ings”. No longer the place for indi­vid­ual activ­i­ties, but for planned social/group activ­i­ties. “Smart envi­ron­ments”; atten­tive, adap­tive, active.

RoomwareTM: iLand — an inter­ac­tive land­scape for cre­ativ­ity and inno­va­tion. 2nd gen. for Wilkhahn (office fur­ni­ture mak­ers). Beach: Soft­ware for inter­ac­tive walls. Ver­sion with audio aug­men­ta­tion — room laughs. And so on. This is turn­ing into a Fraun­hofer prod­uct show.

Smart envi­ron­ments: System-oriented / People-oriented. “Smart spaces make peo­ple smarter”. Refrig­er­a­tor order­ing stuff not being con­sumed because of cir­cum­stances out­side its knowl­edge vs. ‘people-empowerment’ through system-to.person information.

Smart­ness trade-off: sen­sor data for decision-making, tai­lor­ing etc. vs. con­trol over data.

Now he’s back in overview mode, men­tion­ing part­ners, going through a large num­ber of interesting-looking projects that he haven’t got time to com­ment on prop­erly. He is, how­ever, throw­ing in com­ments about lack of time for explain­ing. There is actu­ally a way to get around that, you know…

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion through envi­ron­ments: Pat­terns, ambi­ent mes­sag­ing. Con­nect­ing Remote Sites: Com­mu­ni­ca­tion mood etc. across remote locations.

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