GTD at home

Now this guy has a point (or an expe­ri­ence sim­i­lar to mine):

Now, the biggest issue is this: At home, in no place, there is some­thing that keeps my Next Actions. I have absolutely no trusted system.

For the past cou­ple years, I’ve been strug­gling to turn my home into a home — instead of the office sur­rounded by kitchen and couches it seems to be right now. This of course is dif­fi­cult if you keep chang­ing offices and end up hav­ing a lot of gear hang­ing around. But still, I’m try­ing not to work much from home which means I kind of like not star­ing into my com­puter all the time. Which is where most of my GTD stuff lives. Being on a lap­top defi­nately makes things eas­ier and basi­cally a cheap lap­top (if you’re not using one con­stantly any­way) might just be worth it, con­sid­er­ing how much more struc­ture on every­thing GTD provides.

I’m bad at using the con­text options of my cur­rent GTD sys­tem, PyGTD, so often I end up at the office, being sur­prised that I over­looked some @Home task. And again; I don’t always want to be too close to my com­puter when at home — or bring it when going for a sat­ur­day walk etc. So I’m think­ing of either doing some online export-stuff and out­putting that on a lit­tle screen in the kitchen (get stuff done by look­ing at your list, don’t worry about cap­tur­ing, just scrib­ble on lit­tle notes and input them when back at the office mon­day morn­ing or some­thing) — or actu­ally find­ing a dif­fer­ent sys­tem for when at home…trouble is; how do you avoid man­u­ally hav­ing to do a lot of sync­ing? Sug­ges­tions and expe­ri­ences are oh so very welcome…

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One Response to GTD at home

  1. I’ve had this prob­lem. I’m think­ing of mak­ing 3 contects:
