Avistid cutting edge?

While look­ing for Jon Lunds url for my pre­vi­ous post on DIA06 I stum­bled upon a post on Jon’s old blog about the cam­paign Avis­tid. The title of the post claims “Top dan­ish direc­tors in cutting-edge online-only cam­paign”. Which I actu­ally thought was a joke. After read­ing the post, I’m not so sure. For the record, by the way: This is by no means “talk trash about Jon Lund”-day. I just missed a post some time back, found it and decided to post my com­ment here as opposed to in the com­ments as it appears Jon is now blog­ging some­where else.

Any­way. A lot of blog­gers have writ­ten about Avis­tid (can’t be arsed to link to it all, just search for it — you won’t be both­ered with any other hits ;-), most of it being about the clue­less­ness with regards to the rea­son the cam­paign is even launched. Which is, by the way, where it con­nects to my pre­vi­ous post about online marketing.

So just a few thoughts on the claims Jon is making:

Top-“dogme” direc­tors: True. But this isn’t the same as their films are any good or sup­port the aim of the cam­paign in any way. Actu­ally, I’ve found them pretty bor­ing so far, the first by ¸ren Kragh-Jakobsen define­nately being the worst.

Web-only: Yup, all other media is try­ing to drive traf­fic to the (hor­ri­ble) web­site, try­ing to get peo­ple to watch the films. For what rea­son I ask? Please keep in mind that the Dan­ish news­pa­pers aren’t try­ing to sell just any prod­uct, they are actu­ally try­ing to sell news­pa­pers — and could ben­e­fit a great deal if they would please explain us what they are good at.

Cutting-edge: Bull­shit. Being cutting-edge for the rea­son of being cutting-edge.…is not cutting-edge.…

As BMW before them: Mmm..no! BMW’s films were semi-viral pieces being linked because of the qual­ity of the films. Which I haven’t expe­ri­enced with the films from Avis­tid. Also, Sell­ing cars and sell­ing news­pa­pers isn’t the same. At all. It’s obvi­ous, how­ever, that they’re try­ing to get it to be the same; going ‘lifestyle’ on the con­sumers poor asses.

The link to my DIA06 com­ments is this: If you want to respect your cus­tomers and not stuff what­ever down their throats, you should take a good, hard look at the con­text in which you’re ‘com­mu­ni­cat­ing’. Noone gets offended if peo­ple sell­ing jeans, soft drinks or cars pull the ‘lifestyle’ card on them. After all, this is a lot of what you buy. When you are a news­pa­per, how­ever, sell less news­pa­pers due to — among other things — the inter­net with its user empow­er­ment, con­ver­sa­tions and free niche-content and then

decide to mar­ket your prod­uct as if noth­ing has hap­pened and you just need some flashy adver­tis­ing and some promises about ‘being cool when you take the time to read a paper’ — you are tak­ing the piss.

I’m will­ing to talk shop any­time, focus­ing solely on craft­man­ship, tech­niques and what have we. But in cases like this where the mes­sage you’re try­ing to con­vey so clearly goes against every­thing what’s right while wast­ing a lot of money and treat­ing your (for­mer) cus­tomers like stu­pid sheep — espe­cially when you’re in a busi­ness who should have no trou­ble man­ag­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion and high­t­light what’s good about the prod­uct (and not the lifestyle sor­round­ing it) — then I think it’s time to take a step back and look at what it is you’re try­ing to do. And admit you’ve failed miserably.

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3 Responses to Avistid cutting edge?

  1. Jon Lund says:

    Come on, Anders. Nei­ther you or I know if the films they’re going to pro­duce on Avis­tid will be good or bad untill we see them. This far we’ve seen two films: the first one (I’ll give you this) def­i­nitevely not work­ing, the other one actu­ally being quite funny — se my post: The fin­ger plan.

    And I do think Avis­tid deserves credit for this one: Avis­tid is the first ever time, a dan­ish adver­tizer decides
    1. to hire in inde­pen­dent, high-quality direc­tors, giv­ing them free hands to pro­duce what­ever they like with only one string attached to it: that the mes­sage of the film should be one that the dan­ish news­pa­pers should nat­u­rally be able to iden­tify them­selves with, and
    2. decides they’ll run the film only on the web, thereby tak­ing advan­tage of one (not all!) of the great pos­si­bil­i­ties of the web, namely the abil­ity to dis­trib­ute rich con­tent like films. The cam­paign is from the very out­set meant as a viral cam­paign, all focused on the web.

    The ques­tion, which I ask in this post remains, though: “Could you get the Dan­ish media indus­try mov­ing for­ward, if you’d had given these money (45 mio DDK — aprox. 7 mio euro) to e.g. flix.dk (the Dan­ish equiv­a­lent to ohmynews.com) – or to e.g. research in how the printed news­pa­per will cope with the com­ings of elec­tronic paper?” Instead of pulling of a cam­paign for hav­ing more peo­ple read­ing news­pa­pers? The answer is, as I put it, “No doubt to me!”. And as a new media man, I’m sorry they didn’t. Choos­ing to make an ad cam­paign instead, I am, how­ever, glad they’re try­ing out one of the fron­tiers of new media.



    PS. You can find all my post­ings on newmediatrends.fdim.dk, includ­ing the one you’re argu­ing against.

  2. Jon Lund says:

    Uh, my html-tags didn’t go through. All my links dis­a­pared! Here they are
    1. My post on The fin­ger plan:
    2. My ques­tion about if the money used on Avis­tid could have been spend bet­ter:
    3. The post Anders is argu­ing against:

  3. pollas says:

    What I’m try­ing to say is sim­ple: Even if they had pro­duced great films that peo­ple actu­ally would send to each other, they’re still try­ing to avoid — just as you say your­self — to develop their prod­uct and face their cus­tomers, admit­ting that the inter­net has a lot to do with the fact that they’re sell­ing less news­pa­pers. And in that con­text, it’s just not good enough to get some of it right: You have to show — clearly! — that you under­stand the net. Oth­er­wise, you just end up look­ing like the money-spending fool you are.

    Sure, they’ve hired some good peo­ple and focused on the web. But isn’t it ironic that they obvi­ously under­stand so lit­tle of it, then? By focus­ing on the web, they imply that they mean some­thing by doing so. It’s very unclear to me what that is.