Berlincast Sounds and Noises from Berlin.

Fine, sim­ple idea: Sound tours / record­ings of places in Berlin. I thought of doing it myself when I was in Berlin last sum­mer, but never got around to actu­ally post some­thing. Got a few record­ings but was in the equip­ment check­ing phase at the time. Got stuff from Copen­hagen planned — stay tuned.

Related: 100% Pure Ham­burg, audio from the city.

Pod­cast­ing is nice, but there are so many shows and con­fer­ence record­ings. That’s fine by me and I lis­ten to it a lot, but while these record­ings of course add voice, make it pos­si­ble to absorb infor­ma­tion while doing other things as well as make it avail­able at all, there’s so much more to sound. I miss more pod­casts where the sound is the point itself; the­atre of the mind and all that…

Audio , , , , . URL.

One Response to Berlincast

  1. Yukio King says:

    Hi there,
    Thanks for the com­ments on my site. Hey, let me know when you get the CPH record­ings up and running.

    Take care,