Me me me meme

There’s another meme wave these days.

I’ve been tagged. Before respond­ing, let’s have a look at this thing. I’ve come across it numer­ous times the past week and was think­ing about post­ing this anyway.

Peo­ple either:

1) Respond, tag some­one
2) Pull the plug
3) Remix the meme

I’m not sure what I think of these things. It’s all in good spirit — some of them doesn’t offer much value, though. This, I’m afraid, is one of them.

The pat­tern is some­thing along “teenage jobs, cur­rent job — movies every­one knows — child­hood home, home abroad, cur­rent home — tv shows every­one knows/don’t watch tv — places every­one goes on vaca­tion — food every­one knows and eat — sites every­one uses all the time — in bed/someplace warm/some store with gad­gets — peo­ple every­one that reads your blog knows”.

So I’m with Matt Haughey on this one: “I looked over the stuff and real­ized I could do the four things for friends of mine before I even read their responses”.

Try­ing not to come across the ass that I really am, here are my answers. If you would like to answer these your­self, con­sider your­self tagged. If not…

Four jobs I’ve had:
Per­sonal assis­tant for hand­i­capped per­son
Dig­i­tal hippie

Four movies I can watch over and over:
I try not to, there are so many movies I haven’t seen yet.

Four places I’ve lived:

Four TV shows I love to watch:
Whatever’s on after 22

Four places I’ve been on vaca­tion:

Four of my favorite dishes:
Proper pasta
Every­thing Indian
Rich soups

Four sites I visit daily:

Four places I’d rather be right now:
Some other cafe

If you think you’ve learned some­thing valu­able and that I’m spe­cial, say yay — and get a life ;-)

Culture , , . URL.

4 Responses to Me me me meme

  1. Rasmus says:

    Memes should be on a vol­un­tary basis only. “Tag­ging” peo­ple is just a lit­tle too close to chain let­ters, if you ask me. And chain let­ters make me sick to my stom­ach. Go ahead and call me an ass too. :D

  2. pollas says:

    Now there’s meme: “4 peo­ple you’ll tag as an ass” ;-)

  3. Rasmus says:

    heheh … com­plete with links of course.

  4. Jonas says:

    Havnsø!? Rock on! Now back to cre­at­ing my own Me Me meme. I am an ass (: