More podcast finds

Almost for­got Drum and Bass Arena: They’re pod­cast­ing too. So far a sin­gle mix, a video inter­view with Goldie and a girls cal­en­dar shoot video. Also, High Sound Pres­sure is cook­ing up some­thing drum’n’bassy.

Berlin under­ground radio TwenFM is pod­cast­ing.

sub­woofer, live from Budapest, seem to have died. A shame, I spent quite some time lis­ten­ing and watch­ing — they did live trans­mis­sion from their mix­ing stu­dios — back in the days where pod­cast­ing wasn’t the thing.

In local news, has a few pod­casts I checked out.

Tomas Krag of mul­ti­plic­ity fame is doing Pod­head Tech mag­a­sin.

And if you have trou­ble stay­ing awake, this ques­tion­ably named pod­cast, ¸r Det Selvud­vikling, just might freak you out and keep you from sleeping…

Audio. URL.

One Response to More podcast finds

  1. TD says:

    Hey, this is TD, from HSP. Thanks for the men­tion, we also have a new feed if you want to check it out… TNT Record­ings in iTunes or get the feed here.
