Style guide

Sweet domain name: [via desig­niskinky]

Jomi Mas­sage decided to post­pone the release of her new album due to the cover graphic and the cur­rent polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion regard­ing draw­ings, a Dan­ish news­pa­per and a lot of frus­tra­tion. But I just found out you can lis­ten to the whole album, JOMI MASSAGE møder DR BIG BAND & LARS ˜LLER, sam­men fremfører de en række SKANDINAVISKE KLAGESANGE, at DR Radium.

Also, Man is the Bas­tard: DIYCD is always a good way to for­get all about sleep.

Tracks include: Lobot­o­mize A Cop, Semen In The Eye­socket Of Thomas Lenz, Mary Jane (The Ulti­mate Girl), Screw­driver In The Ure­thra Of Thomas Lenz, Work To Death, Mocha Rebirth and many more…

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